This program will assist the HVAC design engineer in the proper selection of a Wrap-Around Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger (WAHX) and provide energy savings estimates. This tool is intended to provide the designer with the capability to perform a preliminary design selection and to evaluate performance at various design conditions. It is also intended to be a tool to communicate engineering requirements and goals to ACT for additional calculations and/or for preparing a quotation. If the selection tool does not provide results that meet your requirements, please contact ACT’s engineering experts to assist with your specific application.

Initial Design Condition Selection Variables:

SOLUTION PARAMETERS: There are two modes (SELECT) or (RATE). In SELECT mode, the calculator will provide the number of rows and fins per inch required to meet your input conditions. In the RATE mode, the calculator can fix the number of rows and fins per inch and allow the engineer the ability to change outside and entering DB/WB variables.

ACTIVE COOLING DISCHARGE: If not explicitly specified, 52.5°/52.4°F will result in 75°F/50%RH after sensible heating.

SUPPLY AIR TEMPERATURE: Can be selected by stating the maximum allowable supply of air temperature to the space being conditioned.

FACE VELOCITY: If not explicitly specified, the typical value is 500 fpm. For enhanced dehumidification, 300-450 fpm.

LIMIT FIN RANGE: Under SOLUTION PARAMETERS there is a slide bar with two blue position tabs. Simply slide the tabs along the bar to select an FPI range or a specific FPI count.

DEFAULT ENGLISH TO METRIC VALUES: Click Project Information and select Units F or C.

Project Information Click to hide
Design City*

*Required for submission to ACT
Solution Parameters
WAHX Options
Incoming Air
Passive Cool
Active Cool
Supply Air

Pre Cool Coil
Active Cooling Coil
w/o WAHX
Re Heat Coil