Why would I want to add a PCM Heat sink to my thermal management system?
Click to read about applications for PCM based solutions (Duty Cycle, Single Use, and Protection against Failure) and benefits they provide (compact, simple, proven in the field).
ACT’s Phase Change Material heat sink calculator provides initial scoping estimates for your thermal storage requirements, including approximate volume, weight, and temperature profile. The expected transient performance for three different PCM options suitable for your application is plotted.
- This calculator provides common PCM options for values between -10°C to 85°C. (Call to discuss other PCM options available)
- This calculator assumes a generally conservative fin design. ACT can design higher-performing custom solutions than what is predicted by the PCM calculator.
- A typical enclosure for the PCM (volume and weight) is incorporated into these calculations.
- This scoping tool is intended to demonstrate that different PCMs offer a wide range of performance. The thermal physical property values used are representative of the paraffin and salt hydrate materials that are most commonly used.
- ACT will provide design and analysis services to determine the PCM best suited for your particular application, an optimized design will be dependent on each unique application.
- ACT does not manufacture or sell bulk Phase Change Material but rather integrates it into custom heat exchanger or heat sink systems designed by ACT’s thermal engineers.
- To discuss your results, please send your results to the thermal experts at ACT or email solutions@1-act.com.
- The video below offers a tutorial on how to input values into the calculator below: