Problem: High Latent Heat Loads
Animal research creates high latent loads for HVAC systems. This multi-story laboratory facility requires a low-humidity environment to keep down molds and bacteria. In addition, a high rate of air exchanges at 25-30 air exchanges per hour (ACH) are required for worker safety and low CO2 levels. There can also be a variety of Volatile Organic Compounds generated from the animal testing procedures.
Solution: Wrap-Around Heat Exchangers (WAHX)
A high number of ACH requires air handler units (AHU) to run optimally. ACT’s Wrap-Around Heat Exchangers with enhanced dehumidification accomplish reduced humidity levels by enhancing the AHU’s tonnage cooling capacity.
The (8) large units provided energy efficient operation by the tonnage reduction and the (4) 25,000 CFM and (2) 9,000 CFM chill water DOAS AHU’s. In addition to the tonnage saving was the WAHX’s ability to transfer free reheat around the cooling coil to further reduce the humidity off the saturated cooling coil, thus air entering the facility was dry and neutral to the spaces they served.
How Did This Project Reduce Carbon Emissions?
Based on the calculations performed on, the total annual carbon capture equals 61.8 metric tons. The total annual savings from the precooling/preheating process totals $88,243, with a payback period of 2.5 years.
Fast Facts
- ACT’s solutions meet ASHRAE 90.1 requirements referencing allowable types of reheat on DOAS systems
- Labs require high levels of air exchanges. ACT accomplished that and offers great reductions in energy use in the form of tonnage and reheat energy savings. These savings typically payback, on average in 2.5 years.